Christmas Update!

Read Time: 2 Minutes

View below to see the brand new Christmas Update we have in store!

New Lobby!

We have a brand new decorated lobby for the festive season! We will continue (as always) to update the lobby for holidays or new seasons!

Christmas Presents!

We also brought a fun little feature for Christmas…Christmas Presents! Everyday until the 24th you can open a present each day! Each with different gifts (and some coal ;).

Its one simple command…
/christmas! Using the command you open up your calendar and you can select a present to open dedicated to the day!

1.18 Update?

We are going to continue to run on 1.17.1 so people can open presents and play on Season 2 for a little longer because Season 3 is coming with new Generation! When the new update for Spigot comes out we will instantly get to work on getting TronMC Season 3 rolled out!

We hope you have a wonderful christmas and happy holidays!
MrTron <3